

More and more facets of the economy are being digitalized. This phenomenon is accompanied by new sources of information and increasingly cheaper infrastructures. All this ushers us into a new era: one in which large amounts of digital information will exist on every topic relevant to companies. In the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile devices, online shopping, social networks, electronic communication, GPS and machines with sensors produce huge data streams as a by-product of their intended purpose. Anyone who understands how to use these opens up new market opportunities. This is especially the case with mid-sized companies. We will support you during this process. With agile software engineering.

Moving Dynamically into the Future

Best practices are no coincidence,
rather a product of careful deliberation.


Digital transformation, as we understand it, extends from the conversion of individual internal processes to digital business models with IoT and interfaces to other IT ecosystems. This requires the automation of recurring manual processes and flexibility within the existing IT landscape, even within the company itself. Taking full advantage of technical progress that is now more accessible than ever thanks to containerization (cloud native) and cloud services. The focus here is: Your success. By constantly growing with the accelerated pace of market changes, you are leaving large, yet immovable competitors behind.

Always on Equal Footing

We are driven by
enthusiasm for your ideas.


We will support you with individual needs analysis and IT consulting as well as with the selection of software applications and the development of high-quality software systems. To enable the flexibility of your business models, we rely on agile practices: short, iterative cycles all the way to production. With maximum transparency and minimal risks. Everything is automatically tested and developed based on feedback, which is why your requests for changes can be implemented immediately. In the end, you will be left with a solution in cloud agnostic architecture and clean code that is scalable and safe to monitor. It is perfectly suitable for establishing your every-day business idea in the long term.

More about digital strategies

Tailored Modernization

Only what is reasonable also produces results.


If your business is changing faster than your IT, this is often due to confusing, rigid software structures. This leads to performance, security and functional problems as well as innovations that are difficult to implement. What can be done? You cannot replace systems that support business-critical processes and functions overnight. In this case, applications work too closely dependent on one another. Alternatively, we recommend partial modernization, ongoing modernization or mixed modernization that is constantly evolving. We use the following tools: Migration to the cloud, compilation of optimal PaaS/SaaS usage scenarios, refactoring, modularization or exchange and/or extension of the APIs.

More about modernization


Expertise. That unites us. We are a team of software developers who are committed to the latest development tools and technologies. With over 15 years of experience in various areas of software engineering, we offer solution-oriented thinking, a broad spectrum of project management know-how and experience in the control and implementation of small and large software projects.

For us, IoT, Industry 4.0 or digital transformation are not just buzzwords, but an integral part of our daily work. Our goal is to keep up with the latest technological developments.

Are you looking for problem solvers for IT projects? We are your professional contact for software solutions from a single source.

Contact us! We are happy to help.

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