Containers and Kubernetes

Ready for a world
full of possibilities.

Making the cloud a real value-added factor

To put it simply, the cloud can be described as a large data center with many programs. It provides users with a highly affordable, automated and operational ecosystem across the IT layer, regardless of hardware. And Cloud Native as a strategic approach uses this cloud potential not merely for hosting, but to the maximum: mainly through containerization and container orchestration in interaction with cloud SaaS. The prerequisite for this are targeted measures:

Real distributed systems

Whether using microservices or self-containing systems, genuinely distributed systems with associated features such as zero downtime deployment and automation of vertical and horizontal scaling are no longer imaginable without containerization. Docker and Kubernetes with a wide range of support applications such as package management or Service Mash form the core of such modern cloud architectures, which are used by all major cloud providers, such as B. Microsoft Azure, AWS or Google Cloud, guarantee first class services.

Radical modularization

Containers and Kubernetes are used for maximum decoupling of individual modules written in different programming languages. We support you in identifying the size of the modules to be autonomous and in deciding to what extent and at what point in time they should be autonomous. The important thing is that they really have to remain decoupled from each other in the long term.

Highest quality standards

Cloud Native often requires innovative architecture approaches to ensure scalability and resilience. We meet these requirements: both by using alternative paradigms such as reactive programming and event sourcing with Apache Kafka and by using new programming languages and protocols such as GoLang and gRPC. Quality principles such as “12 Factor App” as an established way to a stable solution in the cloud round off our standards.

You too can benefit from the advantages
  • Successful containerization under DevOps and security criteria
  • Very large community and support
  • Cloud Agnostic option
  • Offers, renewed and maintained in all clouds
  • Development and standardization by leading industrial companies
  • Strong support for innovative architecture concepts such as microservices or concurrent computing

We have the necessary know-how and experience to avoid pitfalls in such an approach. Combined with agile software development tools and architecture approaches, we push the door wide open to successful digital transformation.

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